How Acupuncture helps


According to traditional Chinese medicine philosophy, most diseases stem from imbalances in the key energies of the body and spirit. "Qi" which can be defined as life force energy, flows along pathways through the body known as "meridians". It must be kept strong and flowing freely. If Qi is weak or the meridare blocked, certain organs will not get the nourishment they require, and illness will result.

Acupuncture is a process that involves inserting very thin needles into the skin at specific points on the body that coordinate with particular pathways of Qi. By targeting these meridians or pathways, an acupuncture practitioner aims to bring back into balance a disruption of Qi believed to cause thyroid disorders or other symptoms of a disease.

According to the British Acupuncture Council, acupuncture can treat thyroid disease in many ways, such as:

. Lowering thyroid hormone levels in patients with hyperthyroidism

. Increasing thyroid hormone levels in people with hypothyroidism

. Reducing sensitivity to stress and pain, as well as promoting relaxation

. Improving joint mobility and muscle stiffness by increasing blood circulation in small blood vessels

. Enhancing the release of the chemical adenosine, which reduces sensitivity to pain

. Reducing inflammation by helping in the release of vascular and immunomodulatory factors

Along with acupuncture, certain lifestyle changes like a diet rich in calcium, protein, magnesium, and iodine help support thyroid function. Also, certain foods known as goitrogens may interfere with thyroid hormone production and should be limited. These include cruciferous vegetables (e.g., cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts), soy, and peanuts. Stress-reducing exercises like yoga or tai chi can also be helpful.


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